
Showing posts from January, 2023

Hérissons sans frontières

So, Sonic Frontiers, then. Yes, against all tradition, I am writing a video game review for a reasonably current release. I have a PS5 and little else on my wish list! So, as a consequence, games that have not yet missed the boat. This is a modern 3D Sonic game and, again against all tradition, it is pretty playable! It borrows conceptually from Sonic Adventure in that there is a "hub world" and smaller linear "levels", but the levels are vastly shorter and there's a lot more to do in the hub world. The "levels" are basically side challenges, kinda-sorta necessary to progress in the main game. Mostly necessary. You'd have a job doing the whole game without doing a single "level" (and, yeah, it's probably necessary to at least do one in the tutorial stage), but honestly it may be possible. See, the level challenges give you "keys" you need to collect to unlock progress, and these same keys sometimes drop randomly from chests